LA1159: Orange Lock Infill Kit for Rebated Stile
This solid brass infill kit has been designed to enable the correct fitting of locks and latches within a pair of doors that have rebated meeting stiles. Its purpose is to ensure the doors function properly, reinforcing the area where the lock or latch is fitted to maintain security and heighten aesthetics.
The benefits of our British-made Orange Lock, in a nutshell:
1. Positive handshake: the grip-tight follower guarantees a positive connection with the handle spindle and when used in conjunction with our unique rose mechanism, handles will not wobble.
2. Solid brass forends, strikes, extended strikes and rebate kits are hand finished in all the Joseph Giles finishes.
3. Solid brass slotted screws included in the matching finish, for the ultimate considered aesthetic.
4. Our discerning clients get the choice of branded (BF) or unbranded (UF) forends.
5. For easier ordering and installation, the handing can be easily changed without the need for un-assembling the lock.
With a mechanical lifetime guarantee.